Monday, 23 April 2007

Bus Drivers and "Urban Games"

When you are sitting on a bus, coming and going about your business, watching the world around you pass by through a glass window, do you ever stop and wonder how do bus drivers entertain themselves during the course of their day and I think I have the answer.

The other day when I was on line I went to "You Tube" and saw a clip for Channel 4's tv programme "Balls of Steel" and within the show there was a segment called "Nege's Urban Sports" and basically this is about a man who does crazy things, and in return calls them urban sports, while trying to win a trophy in the pursuit of entertainment values.

Nevertheless the show got me thinking, I wonder do Bus drivers do something like this to help pass their day in, not do crazy stuff, but little stuff like hit the air brake a little harder so people go flying forward or backwards and count how many people near fall over.

The reason I think like this, is due to the fact when I was on a bus going about my business, I got up and went towards the front as my stop was aprroaching, I saw the bus driver look up in his mirror, the one which allows the driver to see down the bus, and as I was walking down, he hit the brake and I Nearly went flying. Maybe something suddently went out in front of the bus, maybe he was following the highway code of "Mirror, Signal, Manouvere", or maybe he was taking bets with other drivers as to how many he could bowl over while hitting the air brake.

So the next time you are on a bus and you see the driver looking up in his mirror, hold on tight because you never know, he might just have a bet riding upon your actions.

Food For Thought though isnt it.